Collies at Intermittent LakeCollies at Intermittent LakeCollies at Intermittent LakeCollies at Intermittent LakeCollies at Intermittent LakeCollies at Intermittent LakeCollies at Intermittent LakeCollies at Intermittent LakeCollies at Intermittent LakeCollies at Intermittent LakeCollies at Intermittent LakeCollies at Intermittent LakeCollies at Intermittent LakeCollies at Intermittent Lake
from the year 2014from the year 2014from the year 2014from the year 2014from the year 2014from the year 2014from the year 2014from the year 2014from the year 2014from the year 2014from the year 2014from the year 2014from the year 2014from the year 2014
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Ashianty Stormy Wind"As˝
Ashianty Stormy Wind"As˝
Shelly Eden of Ashianty"Shelly˝
Shelly Eden of Ashianty"Shelly˝
Baron- As
Začetnica naše vzreje (21.1.2009- 12.6.2021), mamica treh čudovitih legel, mati naše prelepe Arrely in babica ter prababica mnogim prelepim vnukom ter vnukinjam, je postala angel. Naj te mavrica vodi in popelje na večne sprehode, ki si jih tako oboževala. Vedno boš v naših srcih