As the 3rd generation of our breeding, was a very special E litter, where again there was only one female and as many as 5 males. Mother Calypso is from our C litter, a very beautiful and strong female with the most charming expression. Dad is our Madox- Good Luck for Life and Sherborne from Hungary, son of European champion Nytramenti Eusebio. The male Ethan- Eden of Phenomemon has found his home in his homeland-Scotland, where he radiates from his beauty, at shows and with the owner.
Elusive Legend at intermittent lake(SLO, Family Brecelj)-M
Endless Kiss at intermittent lake (SLO, Family Kržišnik)-M
Early Ray at intermittent lake (SLO, Family Karolyi)-M
Everlasting Love at intermittent lake (SLO,Family Poljanec)-F
Eden of Phenomenon at intermittent lake ( Pauline Leslie, Scotland)-M
Endavour Be Lucky at intermittent lake( SLO, Majda Mlinarič)_M